Shane's Story ‘Around six years ago I was diagnosed with advanced kidney cancer and was quickly booked in for surgery a few days later. Just before the surgery, I listened to Star while going to job sites in the work vehicle. One song that stood out was “I Just Want To Be Where You Are”. These types of worship songs were a real blessing for me and brought me into God’s presence often. At that time, I was also struggling with a particular sinful habit and God told me three times, “Shane, you need to deal with the sin in your life”. Six years later, I’m healed and totally set free from that sin. Often, I listen to Star to and from work and on a Sunday before church. My heart’s desire is for Christians in our nation to walk in unity, to genuinely care for one another, and to really seek the Lord and find him. I firmly believe revival would then come to our churches and nation.’ – Shane